Barramundi Poster


David Bleakley

Barramundi Poster
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Barramundi Poster
The original is a PRIZE-WINNING work in charcoal over acrylic winning FIRST PRIZE in the works on paper section in the 2003 Brookfield Show Art Awards. This was an acquisitive award with the work being raffled over the period of the Show. Barramundi are an iconic australian fresh-water native species often depicted in Aboriginal Art and prized by sports fishermen and top class fish restruants alike. They are also now entering the aquaculture trade. They are most easily recognised by the hump on their back behind the sleek head. They grow to quite a large size well over a metre in length and are mostly found in the northern regions of Australia.
ekaeka ::
May 10, 2008
It was my favorite on the first sight! Now I see that it is also the First Prize winning work. Perfect!